A torso adult manikin with a high fidelity airway. Requires proper head tilt-chin lift and correct sighting of the vocal cords for proper advanced airway placement. This manikin provides excellent training for BSL and ALS CPR. It features the award winning SmartMan visual feedback so that improvement is rapid and retention is excellent.
This includes everything in ALS CPR and it includes the Intubation SIM. This provides accurate measurement and feedback on how quickly and accurately the intubation was complete. It also provides real time feedback as the chest compressions and the ventilations working together. you are able to move from BSL CPR to intubation on the fly.
This is our highest level professional ALS training system. It includes a full PC computer. It also has special activities to improve rescue breaths and the breaths in CPR. This package provides archiving of results to the cloud as well as a full management program to quickly examine trends across a large number of results.
The research is clear that in order to attain a high quality of CPR performance, feedback is necessary. SmartMan is easy to understand and is able to demonstrate that people achieve very high performance levels.
As you perform on the manikin, SmartMan will produce a visual response. With 3 basic colors it is easy to respond and hone your performance so that it is optimal for the patient.
SmartMan provides objective feedback. An objective accurate metric is important for attaining the required threshold for performing quality CPR that is required to improve survival rates.
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