This is a full torso manikin which simulates a baby from one month of age to 12 months of age. It sets teh standard for accuracy of feedback for CPR training.
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Correct Ventilations are particularly important for babies. Respiratory difficulties are much more common for babies than for adults. SmartMan Pediatric Baby give the user a unique ability to adjust the lung capacity. This is because babies at this age can vary a great deal in size. The adjustment is an easy to use, one button click. You have 5 settings to choose from. training products provide world's best practice for improving CPR skills and teams. Every trainign product includes real time feedback. They are build on state of teh art sensors to give the most accurate at-a-glance information to the student and trainer. SmartMan has 10 world first's in CPR training since 2008 and it is the only CPR training system to be directly related to improved survival rates.
SmartMan CPR training products provide world's best practice for improving CPR skills and teams. Every trainign product includes real time feedback. They are build on state of teh art sensors to give the most accurate at-a-glance information to the student and trainer. SmartMan has 10 world first's in CPR training since 2008 and it is the only CPR training system to be directly related to improved survival rates.
Photos © Dieter Schneider