Technical Information

Product Purchased Before 2015

This section contains information on USB Drivers, hardware specifications, key codes, file information, how to perform upgrades, There are two different systems and you must choose the correct correct product to find the correct information.

Technical information on Products Purchased before 1 January 2015, technical information is here.

If you are not sure, which image looks like the Menu in your product. Click here.


Technical Information

Product Purchased in 2015

This section contains information on USB Drivers, hardware specifications, key codes, file information, how to perform upgrades, You must run the software that is set for your manikin. The link for the correct software was sent to you in the original setup email.

Technical information on Products Purchased After 1 January 2015, technical information is here.

Products released after 1 January 2015. A list of these products is here.

  • If you are not sure, which image looks like the Menu in your product. Click here.