Our Vision

More Survivors

SmartMan products and services are created to produce improved CPR skills performance. When an SCA occurs the quality of CPR has the single biggest influence on the chances of survival for the victim.

Also there is strong empirical evidence to suggest that more of those patients are released from hospital in better neurological condition.

More Survivors in Better Condition!

As a company we measure our success by whether more people survive to go home to their families.

Quality CPR

quality CPR

SmartMan is designed to achieve high performance CPR. It provides rugged manikins able to take continued pounding yet retain accuracy.

Accuracy. SmartMan training products are scientific instruments that provide accurate measurement of all parameters which relate to CPR performance. Tolerances are well beyond what a person is able to perceive.

Threshold. The words Quality CPR do not have meaning until they are defined and able to be objectively measured. SmartMan provides the accuracy required and reliable measurement so that the threshold of performance indicated in the science can be met.

Verifiable. An activity will give a score on how well a skill is performed. You also have immediate access to an analysis where the performance parameters are put into a chart. And if you want, the data points for each performance is available immediately.

Educational Metric. Objective evidence based evaluation of skills performance is essential to developing a body of people who are able to perform correctly. SmartMan gives individuals and trainers a way to establish the proper objective evaluation of skills.

Competent CPR


Competence means being able to perform required skills at a required level.

Practice. To be competent an individual must be trained and they must be trained to perform correctly to within the specified parameters. With proper practice the skill can be developed as muscle memory so that the correct performance becomes automatic.

Test yourself. The individual who performs must know whether he or she is performing correctly. And if they need to adjust their performance they should be able to do it immediately.

Meaningful Refresher. This should be able to be done in a couple of minutes. Once a person already knows how to perform well, the skills which are not often performed simply need to be topped up. There are two aspects to this: i) they should be able to do this in a couple of minutes: ii) if an adjustment needs to be done it can be done on the fly immediately; once the person is certain they have adjusted their performance, they develop confidence based on knowledge that they are capable of performing well.

Objective Demonstration. In order for a student and for a trainer to know that a person is able to perform, both must have an accurate objective way to assess performance. SmartMan provides both with such a tool.


Better Hardware

SmartMan manikins are designed specifically for CPR. They provide a high quality look and feel with state of the art feedback as you perform. They specialize in CPR and CPR related issues and they are built to last.

Rugged. They are sophisticated digital manikins yet built to take the pounding which CPR training provides.

Digital. Proprietary sensors were designed to produce the most accurate digital data stream that exists. Training SIMS built so you can see things as you do them.

Physical Excellence. High quality look and feel gives excellent tactile response for compressions. Simple adjustment of chest resistance provides for variation and an extra level of realism. Proper head tilt-chin lift is always required. The manikins come basic life support or with an advanced airway and can be ordered in torso or with arms and legs. An optional IV arm is available. All features are integrated into the digital feedback so you know how well you are performing.


Better Feedback

SmartMan's award winning feedback is so simple you can adjust your performance on the fly. It is always accurate and always easy to understand.

Real Time. To be competent an individual must be trained and they must be trained to perform correctly to within the specified parameters. With proper practice the skill can be developed as muscle memory so that the correct performance becomes automatic.

SIMS. Tutorials that help the person understand what is happening as they perform and so they can get the skill level correct.

Educational Aids. When you need the extras: metronome on and off; metronome even for practicing ventilations,

Rapid Refresher. Designed for quick self check of skills. In less than 4 minutes a person can go through a quick check and re-hone skills so they are certain they are performing correctly. This quick practice done a few times will reinforce correct performance so that it becomes automatic.