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* Robust Systems Made for Continual Hard Usage
* Bringing you the Protocols and Techniques Used
in the Best Institutions that Achieve Top Outcomes
* Sophisticated High Fidelity Hardware
* Easy to Understand Graphics in Real Time Displays
* Leading Edge Evidence Based Debriefing
Focus on response to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Based on recommendations from the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, and front line physicians in the COVID-19 fight. It brings you the hands-on training you need. Teaches how to intubate in full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); How to work with others you may never have met; includes refreshers in how to correctly use the bag-mask valve and establish an endotracheal tube.
Best practice team cooperation with objective analysis for debriefing. Focuses on where improvement would have the greatest benefit to the patient. Great for Code Blue and Rapid Response Training. Simulation means not just going through the motions. Get accurate real time feedback on the entire crew's full skills performance, including timings, events, and coordination, as it influences the patient.
A High Fidelity Fully Body Manikin Simulator with Life-like interaction for air movement in the chest. True depth chest compressions with easy to vary resistance as well as innovative life-like training for correct use of BVM and use of advanced airway devices when the chest is moving. Award Winning Color Feedback for volume and rate of flow as well as timing. Volumes and rate include the air produced by positive and negative pressure in the lungs.
SmartMan Simulators always bring full body advanced hardware and software to show real time interaction for performance of skills, task and teams. Ongoing simulations run in real time showing aspects of the patient's status relating to how well and the timeliness of responder actions.
Focus on Team dynamics, clarity of communication and cooperation while keeping an eye on the timing and quality of skills being performed. Quick accurate post analysis gives the trainer objective areas to focus on during debriefing.
Accurate and rugged for tough repeated use for the tasks that your SIM Center perform again and again. Integrates high quality skill performance with advanced Simulation for deeper understanding of how performance improves patient condition.
Highest quality performance and feedback for the skills that you need most. You don't pay for the fancy features you hardly ever use. Durable with metrics and benchmarks built in. Easy to use with 15 minutes training
Full body with I.O.- leg, high fidelity airway for perilaryngeal devices, life-like movement of air. Feedback on all activities, simulations that respond in real time as skills are performed. All system include management and immediate access to data.
Proprietary Sensors that give you the feel of a real human. Designed to be the backbone of your simulation center with easy to access data. They are the go-to for hard skills practice for everyone who comes to your lab. They will stand up to repeated hard use.
* Better Airway Skills
* Natural Resistance to Flow of Air
* Human-Like Tidal Flow with Chest Movement
* Includes Basic and Advanced Skills Practice
* Real Time Feedback
* Immediate Score And Analysis
* Active Physical Interaction
* Accurate Volume & Rate
* Time Running As It Does for A Real Patient
* Quality of Actions and Timing of Actions Assessed
* Status of Patient Responds to Actions
* Tips For Team Optimization
* AI Enhanced Analysis
* Quick View Graphs To Use in Debriefing
* Report On Performance at Critical Stages of the Code
Time Running As It Does for A Real Patient
Quality of Actions and Timing of Actions Assessed
Health Status of Patient Responds to Actions
Strategies to Improve Communication Made Explicit
Practice Practical Time Critical Parts of the Code
Teaches How to Give and Respond to Cues
These system allow you to integrate skills performance within the overall team effort. This greatly improves the reality of your training scenarios as the real time is running. The skills, performance, decisions, interruptions and actions are all related in real time to the condition they have on the patient. The After Action Report provides objective evidence based suggestions on how the effort can be improved for the patient.
Performance parameters are already built in. Objective metrics are already validated so that you can establish Benchmarks and Performance Thresholds. With SmartMan Simulators, you can build and document outstanding performance achievements.
* Covering the Most Widely Practiced Skills
* Designed to Take Repeat Hard Usage
* Look and Feel
* Time Feedback with Full Data
* High Fidelity with Focus on Skills
* Accurate Reliable Standard for Quality Performance
* Activities For Full Skill and Sub-Skills
* Trainer Can Modify Protocol
Our RSIM Task Trainers are designed to be the workhorse of your simulation center. These systems are built to be able to withstand heavy use for repeated chest compression training and for being moved around. They will remain accurate and provide high fidelity feedback as skills are performed repeatedly by many people.