Also there is a section with sample instructions that you can print and give to students. These are already created in Word format so you can easily modify them.
Print Instructions For Students:
PRINT: How to go to an Existing Login
PRINT: How to restart and existing activity
PRINT: Skills Completion Card
This is a series of things that you might want to do with SmartMan. Follow the instructions and you should get the result. It does not have much explanation as to why something is done a particular way. It aims to say do this and you get this result.
If you have something you would like to know how to do, please send us an email.
Connect . Connect the manikin to the computer with the USB cable. On the manikin, pinch the black piece in the center of the pop up. The pop up. will rise. The USB plugs into the side of the pop up.
Click Icon. Double click the SmartMan Icon. If the USB cable does not establish a connection, a window in the software will display a manikin not found error. You are able to use SmartMan with being connected to the manikin to create logins, view previous results, create lists, etc.
Login. Click on Practice Session. This should only take a single click. If your software has just started, it can take up to 10 seconds while the drivers load and the software is set up. Once loaded it will be quick.
1. Click on Practice Session.
This is in the Login Menu. Click on Practice Session and it will take you immediately to the Main Menu.
See a 60 second video: Open video in a browser | Play or download mp4
1. Click on The Login Name.
2. Enter the Password
3. Click Continue
In the Login Window, all logins will appear. Find the login name that you want, click on it, enter the password and click continue. HINT: If you have a large number of logins in the login area, type the first letter of the login name you want to find. (It is case sensitive). The Login area will display those names which begin with that letter.
See a 60 second video: Open video in a browser | Play or download mp4
1. Click in the bottom area of the Login Window
2. Type the name you want and press Enter or Tab
3. Enter the Password (It must be at least 3 characters. We suggest 123)
4. Confirm the password by typing it again in the second space
5. Click Continue
You will now be at the Main Menu.
See a 60 second video: Open video in a browser | Play or download mp4
Once logged in, you are at the Main Menu.
1. You select the skills (Compressions, ventilations, CPR, Training, etc.)
2. A Group of options will appear.
3. Select the Activity by Clicking on the one you want.
See a 60 second video: Open video in a browser | Play or download mp4
If You Are At The Main Menu
You must select a skill tab. Then select one of the activities.
When the activity loads, you will see a large green Start Button. When you are ready, click on the Start Button.
1. Click on the Start Button.
HINT: Pressing the SPACE BAR will do the same thing as clicking on START.
If An Activity Has Just Been Completed
If an activity has been completed you will see the Score in the Results window. To do the same activity, Press the Restart Button. Then when you are ready press the big green Start Button.
ee a 60 second video: Open video in a browser | Play or download mp4
If An Activity is Ongoing
If someone is performing skills,
you can restart the activity by clicking on the Restart Button. No results for the current activity will be saved and no score will be given. The green Start Button will appear.
If You Are At The Main Menu
You must select a skill tab. Then select one of the activities. When the activity loads, you will see a large green Start Button. When you are ready, click on the Start Button.
1. Click on the Start Button.
HINT: Pressing the SPACE BAR will do the same thing as clicking on START
From within any activity, click on the Menu Button at the top the window.
From within any activity, click on the Quit Button at the top RIGHT of the window. This will close SmartMan. You will not be prompted to confirm.
1. Click on the Guide Button.
This will describe what is expected from the student for this activity. Click the Guide Button again to hide it.
For most activities, once they have finished you will see a score. Activities must be performed to within certain limits. If you complete all of the skills within those limits, you will receive a score and then you are able to review the results. If the skills in an activity are performed too far outside of the limits, a window will appear and indicate that the activity has been stopped. No results for that activity are saved and the results cannot be reviewed.
In a code activity (Megacode) you must click on the "Stop" Button to end the code. Then you will see the results.
You can stop an activity at any time. Click on Restart. If you click on the Menu Button, the activity will be stopped and you will return to the Main Menu. If an activity is stopped, no results are saved.
You can Pause an Activity by pressing the pause button. The activity continues but in pause mode. When you click unPause, you can continue with the activity. When you reach the end of the activity, you will see the score and the results will be recorded. Playback of some features will be influenced by the Pause feature.
When the results of the previous person are displayed on the screen, you can click on the Restart Button, then click on Start. The same activity is ready to go. The results, and your score, will be saved under the current login.
If you want your results to be saved under your login name, go back to the Main Menu, Click on Login Another User, and Select your own Login Name.
Click on the Menu Button at any time. This will not ask you to confirm. It will take you directly to the Main Menu. The Menu Button is at the top of the window about the middle.
You need to be connected to the internet to do this. You can do this a) as soon as your results display on the screen, or b) by previous results which were completed at an earlier time.
A) As soon as Results are Completed
At the Main Menu, click on the SmartMan is Offline Button. If you are connected to the internet this will put it Online.
Select the activity and perform the skills.
3. When your results appear, click on the Online Results Button at the top.
A) At A Later Time
Login with the name of the person who performed the results.
(If the results we done as a Practice Session, go here to learn how)
(If you are a trainer and want to do this from the Login Menu, go here to learn how)
At the Main Menu, click on the SmartMan is Offline Button. If you are connected to the internet this will put it Online.
Select the activity and perform the skills.
3. When your results appear, click on the Online Results Button at the top.
If you are the trainer, from the login in area, click once on the name of the person, click on the Results button, select the results you want to view. Click on the Summary button. Enter the comment in the space and click on the Save Comment button.
1. When viewing results on screen
2. Click on the Summary Button (Left side of screen)
3. Scroll down and enter your comment in the white area.
4. Click the Save Comment Button
To view the comment, you must a) come back to the summary of the results, or b) view the results by pressing the All Results Button.
Many of the Buttons in SmartMan are active without being connected to the manikin. You are able to create logins and view previous results or assemble results to print them when not connected. This makes it possible to take the computer back to the office without having to take the manikin. Note: If the manikin is NOT CONNECTED, you cannot perform any of the activities. Below are a couple of examples of functions that are active even though the manikin is not connected:
For Example, all of the buttons showing at the Login Menu are Active.
ii. For example, you can click on Practice Sessions and go to the Main Menu, you can then go to the Trainer tools. The functions within that menu are all active.
iii. For Example, You can create logins and if you choose, you can register them as well.
iv. For Example, when viewing previous results, you can upload them to the server.
1. Start SmartMan. A window will appear saying the manikin is not found.
2. Click the Hide Button and that window will disappear.
3. Proceed
HOW DO I ... Make a List of All Results
You can quickly make a list of all of the results that are on the computer.
1. Start SmartMan.
2. At the Login Menu, Click on the All Results Button.
This will open the All Results Window.
You can choose which results you wish to assemble. These will be arranged by skill. The selection will to be display All Results, Comps, Vents, CPR, Code, Export and View. When you click on the appropriate button to examine only those particular results, each results with its file name will be displayed in the window.
Export and View. When you click on the Export and View Button, those results which you have in the window will be exported. The location of the file and the name of the file will be displayed in the All Results window, jut in case you want to go to that file. The comma delimited csv file will also open Excel (you must have Excel installed on your computer for this to occur). Alternatively you can locate the file and copy it to a computer that has Excel.
All results are stored with the login name. No results exist without a login name. If you used the Practice Session User, then the results will all start with the name _Practice_User. If you create a login name, regardless of whether it is registered or not registered, the results of activities that are completed will be stored under that login name.
Each results file will be listed with the name, an identifier for the activity performed, the date it was performed and a number. To create a class list with names and dates and scores,
1. Create a login with each student's name. Have them perform their skill under that login name.
2. Click on the All Results Button from the Login Menu.
3. Click Export and View. All files with be in Excel.
You can easily get rid of any results which are not from that class. Simply delete the row. See How To Make a Chart of Results to display this list in a chart in Excel.
All results are stored with the login name. No results exist without a login name. If you create a single class name and have everyone perform the skill activity within that login, then all results for that class will be under the login name you created.
Each results file will be listed with the class name, an identifier for the activity performed, the date it was performed and a number. To create a class list with dates and scores,
1. Create a login with the class name. Have all students perform their skill activity under that login name.
2. Click on the All Results Button from the Login Menu.
3. Click Export and View. All files with be in Excel.
You can easily get rid of any results which are not from that class. Simply delete the row. See How To Make a Chart of Results to display this list in a chart in Excel.
All results are stored with the login name. No results exist without a login name. If you used the Practice Session User, then the results will have that name. If you create a login, regardless of whether it is registered or not registered, the results are stored under that login name.
Results that were performed under the Practice Session User all begin with the name _Practice Session. They also have the date the activity was performed and a number. To create a class list with dates and scores,
1. Click on the All Results Button from the Login Menu.
2. Click Export and View. All files with be in Excel.
You can easily get rid of any results which are not from that class. Simply delete the row. See How To Make a Chart of Results to display this list in a chart in Excel.
CREATE A CHART IN EXCEL : When you export the results from SmartMan they will open in Excel, if Excel is installed on the computer. Alternatively, you can copy the results file and put it on a machine with Excel installed. Once in Excel here is what you do in order to put the results into a chart.
In Excel the first row will be descriptions of the content that is in each column.
In Excel each row represents the information on each person. It will have their name, score, which activity they performed, the date and a comment if any.
In Excel each Column is a field.
In this example we want to make a chart of all scores.
1. Open the SmartMan all results file in Excel.
2. Highlight all of the column with the login name.
3. Highlight all of the column with the score.
4. Click on the Insert Tab in Excel
5. Click on the Bar Graph. Now you have a simple bar graph of the results for that class.
1. With the SmartMan results in Excel, highlight all of the data. This is important. It must all be highlighted.
In Excel make sure you are on the Home Tab. Find the sort and filter pull down,
Choose Custom
3a. Click the box to indicate this data has a header row.
3b. Click to sort. You now have all of the scores in order.
Create An Ordered Chart (with scores but without names)
Make sure the column with the scores is highlighted, click on the INSERT tab, click the bar graph.
Create An Ordered Chart with Names
To Put the Names on the Bar Graph, go back to step 3b above. Now highlight fields with both the names and the scores (columns 1 and 2). Select the bar graph. Once you have the bar graph displayed you can grab the corner of the graph to stretch it so that it is larger.
Add Style to Your Graph.
Exactly which buttons that are available will depend on the version of Excel which you have. the Bar Graph
You do not need to be connected to the manikin to create a login. You can put in your class list before class, or you can have students create their own login.
1. Start SmartMan
2. In the Login Area, click in the bottom area and type the name. When you have the name you want, press Enter or Tab.
3. Enter a password. This must be at least 3 characters. We suggest 123. Confirm this password by typing it in the space below. Press Continue. You will now be
at the Main Menu
To make another login from the Main Menu,
4. Click on Login Next User and repeat the above process for each student name.
In Trainer Tools, you can create a zip file of all of the SmartMan results on your computer and send them to an email address.
1. At the Login Menu, login. This can be with the Practice User or another login
From the Main Menu, click on the Trainer Tools Button on the right side of the window.
3. Enter the name you want to use for the file name of the zip file
4. Enter the email address that you want to send the zip file to
5. Click on the button to send the email.
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