SmartMan  SmartMan News!

CPR makes a difference. The research is in.
How well CPR is performed makes a difference.

SmartMan improves how well people perform CPR

It is now well documented that we should waste as little time as possible beginning chest compressions. We also know that not all CPR performances are equal. Good quality CPR can re-oxygenate the blood so that an AED has a better chance of having success.



SmartMan News
Ambu SmartMan© leads the way in providing a simple real time feedback system so that lay people and professionals can performCPR skills at a high level.

SmartMan© leads the industry in providing accurate streamed data on all key parameters for every skill. If you are doing research into CPR, then there is no other system that provides you with the in depth accurate records for all required skills. As a researcher, you have access to all the information. Leading edge researchers are showing that people trained on SmartMan© do perform CPR skills better.

SmartMan Bullet Latest News
 Current at  January 11, 2025

2013-11-01 SmartMan Neonate Released
SmartMan Neonate simulates an infant from a natural term birth baby to about one month of age. This is an introductory level simulation product designed to stand up to the demands of CPR. It is built on the award winning SmartMan Real Time Feedback system for CPR which shows you simple to understand feedback as you perform skills.

The Neonate has a high quality look and feel and is suitable for CPR on a firm surface or when held in the arm. It allows for practice of chest compressions with the two thumb method and the two finger method.

With the special importance of ventilations on a neonate, SmartMan provides several innovative activities to improve ventilation skills.

Also with the great difference in size of babies at this age, SmartMan Neonate allows the user to easily and quickly change the lung capacity. >>> More Details

2013-07-01 SmartMan Megacode Released
SmartMan Megacode is designed to help you concentrate on team roles while you run the code. Then they give feedback on the quality of the CPR performed;

    • Tracks Critical Events for You
    • Accurately Reports How Well CPR was Performed
    • Shows Quality of Compressions During Each Stage
    • Reports Hands-Off of the Chest Time 

Information provided is designed to improve the quality of CPR performed as you run the code.

The After Action Report (AAR) clearly shows where there were delays, whether there were stages when CPR could be improved. It even gives you a report on hands-off the chest time. >>> More Details


2013-06-01 SmartMan Baby Wireless Released
SmartMan has released a wireless option for SmartMan Baby. The wireless simply plugs into the existing USB port on the baby manikin. This allows a computer to use its in built TCPIP networking to see the device. Log onto it and you can run the SmartMan Baby software and see its award winning visual color feedback just as if you were connected with a USB cable. >>> More Details


2013-06-21 SmartMan ROC Released
SmartMan has designed a special product to support skills training under the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Protocols (ROC). The ROC protocol is implemented with various different names, ROC, PitCrew, CAMP and others. The key performance factors are continuous chest compressions with a single ventilation (10:1) on a non-intubated patient. >>> More Details.


2013-01-15 SmartMan Wireless Released
SmartMan has released a wireless option for SmartMan. The wireless simply plugs into the existing USB port on the manikin. This allows a computer to use its in built TCPIP networking to see the device. Log onto it and you can run the SmartMan and see its award winning visual color feedback just as if you were connected with a USB cable.


2012-11-30 SmartBaby Wins Innovation Award
EMS World has awarded SmartMan Baby with an Innovation of the Year Award. The SmartBaby brings real time feedback to training in PEDS Pediatric CPR. It has an excellent look and feel and the software supports training in the latest AHA Guidelines.

It is a full body baby that simulates correct head position, visual rise of the chest when sufficient air has been placed into the lungs, and lung capacity can be set by the trainer to mimic different size babies. The baby is designed to simulate an infant from one month to twelve months of age. >>> More Details


2012-03-31 SmartMan Admin Module
SmartMan has released a new version of the Admin Module. This is a free upgrade for all users currently using the Admin Module.

This software provides a graph and basic statistics of the CPR results performed on SmartMan. It is designed to provide a quick trend analysis. You have the ability to refine the groups of results you wish to examine and you are able to further filter results within that group.

The SmartMan Admin Module has a function to export results so they can be examined in Excel or other statistical program.

This software is a standalone program that examines practice and test results of CPR activities performed on SmartMan, Airway SmartMan and SmartBaby. It does not need to be connected to SmartMan. It can be used anywhere there is access to the internet.


2012-03-03 SmartBaby Released
It is here! For all of the people who have been asking for us to produce one. The baby simulates a 6 month old to 1 year old baby. This manikin is designed to train people on how to perform pediatric BLS CPR.

This baby manikin has an excellent weight and balance with accurate response for compressions and ventilations. It features the award winning SmartMan color feedback for compressions, ventilations and CPR. It supports both 15:2 and 30:2 as require3d by the guidelines.


Best Practice CPR Training Solution
For 2010 Guidelines

2011-05-01 SmartMan's Provides Best Practice Solution

SmartMan releases a full upgrade for its Guidelines 2010 compliant training system. It now includes a number of new training exercises to help retrain those trained under the previous guidelines.

For example it provides the user with full 2.5" and over ALSO notifies you when you hit the bottom. It now provides details on the Duty Cycle as cited in the new guidelines.

This upgrade provides new training activities to tackle problem areas in ventilations. There are also special real time activities to teach the professional to slow down when ventilating with a BVM and how to release the BVM properly.

  Ventilation in real time

CPR Performance Results in Germany and Austria
2011-05-12 Research Presented at RettMobile 2011

Blind tests of EMT's and Paramedics' CPR skills were measured using SmartMan. Results show that performance levels fall far below what is required for optimal value to victims. These results are consistent with those found in studies conducted on similar groups in the USA. More on Rettmobile here.

  SmartMan and Research

2011-03-02 SmartMan Award to Sussex County EMS (DE)

CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done. Team Sussex County EMS are winners of the 2011 JEMS Games Clinical Competition. Ambu SmartMan was awarded to the winning team.




SmartMan Releases Guidelines 2010 Version
2011-02-11 Upgrade Solution for all SmartMan Systems

SmartMan releases training software to meet the new guidelines. It is the first system to directly address the changes required in the new guidelines. This includes the need to push the chest deeper and faster.




2010 AWARD

2010-11-10 Airway SmartMan named for innovation award

AMBU'S AIRWAY SMARTMAN continues to be recognized for its excellence in CPR skills training.

Airway SmartMan brings to ALS training, the same real time feedback and at-a-glance understanding that made the original basic skills SmartMan.

It provides a training module to improve the speed and accuracy of intubating a victim.

Unique to Airway SmartMan is a system to train you to provide optimal ventilations to an intubated victim. The requires timing the ventilations with release of the chest compressions.

In addition, the Airway SmartMan system also includes the ability to train and measure BLS chest compressions and ventilations. Read more here.  TOP





       2010 Innovation Award

2010-06-10 Airway SmartMan named hot product

AMBU'S AIRWAY SMARTMAN already recognized as an important new product for 2010.

Unique to this system is the real time feedback while you perform ALS CPR. No other system will train you to time the ventilations with release of chest compressions.

In addition, the Airway SmartMan system also includes the ability to train and measure BLS chest compressions and ventilations. Read more here.  TOP




  Hot Product 2010

2010-03-08 Airway SmartMan Brings real time feedback to ALS CPR Training.

Ambu Airway SmartMan was officially released at the EMS Expo in Baltimore the first week of March 2010.
It features real time feedback for whether the airway device is correctly placed, whether there is leakage, and how long it has taken to insert and attain an effective seal.

And for the first time you get real time feedback so you can learn to correctly time your breaths on an intubated victim with the release of the chest. Read more here.  TOP




  Airway SmartMan

2010-03-08 SmartMan Awarded to Team Cape Fear

CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done. Team Cape Fear are winners of the 2010 JEMS Games Clinical Competition. Ambu SmartMan was awarded to the winning team. Click here to see photos and more on the final scenarios.
  TOPSmartMan Prize




Team Cape Fear Dublin County


Larry Smith
Dave Cuddeback Brian Pearce
Lee Westbrook

2010-01-07 SmartMan Plays Important Role in Improved Survival Rates
SmartMan training can play an important role as part of any EMS system’s effective response to Sudden Cardiac Arrest
. The SmartMan Real-time CPR Feedback Training Manikin system;

  • Develops competence and confidence to perform better CPR.
  • Makes it possible for everyone to improve their CPR skills
  • Makes a real difference to patients
  • More than doubled the number of SCA survivors in Ventura County CA over the past 6 months ( survivors are considered to be those who were cognitively awake and able to return to their families! ).

According to the article,

  • “SmartMan allows objective evaluation of skills and when used as a training remedy, first-responders improved their skills from 20% to 80% correct CPR performance.”

Ventura County EMS was “delighted to report on this success, and hoped that is might give others thoughts on how to look at their EMS systems.”  They found that “improving CPR made the difference” and “it would be hard to find an EMS Quality Improvement effort that could do better.” TOP










09-10-06 EMS Innovation of the Year
SmartMan was awarded a top innovation of the year award in November 2009. The award recognizes the unique development and contribution to some area of EMS.

" The acquisition and utilization of real-time training data is incredible. Colored bar graphs display the rate, depth and chest recoil level for compressions, along with feedback on the rate and volume of ventilations and the time interval in between. You can easily print the results and hand them to the student to review, make changes and prepare for the next round of CPR practice. "

Of course, quality training starts with quality training tools, and the SmartMan from Ambu SmartMan is one of the most outstanding CPR training tools I've ever worked with. " Mike Smith Link to full article Link more to EMS Responder

It was given out at the EMS Expo Conference in Dallas Texas. TOP


   EMS Award

           EMS Award

09-10-06 SmartMan Announcement - SmartMan BVM Training Improves Skills.pdf.

BVM use and ventilation performance is often far below optimal. Often people provide too much pressure on inspiration and therefore the air goes into the stomach instead of the lungs. Also during rescue breathing there is a tendency to provide more than 3 times the number recommended by the AHA guidelines. Hi regurgitation rates and improved condition of the victim would be consequences of im
proving this situation

An independent research project was designed to directly address this situation. Through a brief training on SmartMan, EMTs and paramedics were able to dramatically improve their delivery of inspiration. This research is another confirmation that SmartMan's visual real time feedback works with people in the field.

Specifically the study shows that with just minutes of practice on SmartMan, EMTs and paramedics improved their performance substantially. Correct duration of inspiration increased from 34% to 80%, and volume of inspiration and ventilation rate improved to 93%.  TOP




   Use of BVM Improves

09-06-01 SmartMan Announcement - Fire Department Sets Objective Skills Standard.pdf

A Fire Department with more than 600 people with a duty to act, use Ambu SmartMan to train and test CPR skill levels. Each person was given a refresher on CPR and then got to practice on SmartMan with feedback. They were then tested on 1 person CPR.

Based on the accurate objective recording of SmartMan they set a skill performance standard for everyone. During the leaning phase, many people were surprised that they had to change their habits even though they had gone through retraining many times over the years.

Having accurate feedback allowed them to set a skills performance standard. With a focus on a specific level, people rose to the challenge and often exceeded the requirement. TOP


SmartMan training

09-04-20 SmartMan Announcement - EMS Requires SmartMan Testing April 2009.pdf. EMS agency in California establishes a requirement that all EMT certification applicants, regardless of which training organization has trained them and regardless of which CPR card they are holding, be objectively tested to demonstrate their CPR skills before being issued a certification. TOP




09-03-09 Clinical Study Shows SmartMan Improves CPR Skills.pdf.

The first clinical trial using SmartMan shows that its innovative bar graphs displayed in real time on a computer work as student press on the chest is an effective way to improve chest compression.

84 on-duty EMS personnel were tested on SmartMan. The first bar is their average score when the program began. With a debriefing based on a SmartMan report they improved to 44%. With the real time visual feedback the scores shot up.

Average chest compression performance scores go from 20% without SmartMan, to 44% with a debriefing with the SmartMan report, and 77% when they used the SmartMan real-time feedback. TOP




  Compressions Improve

09-03-09 SmartMan Features in CPR Cardiac Arrest Research.pdf.
A discussion of what we have learned about cardiac arrest and the important role that CPR can play in improved outcomes. This paper specifically calls for feedback-enhanced CPR and improved training. TOP




09-02-27 SmartMan in Back to Basic CPR-The Need For Objective Evaluation.pdf.
This paper contains a review of the current science, a discussion of performance evaluation, and survival outcomes.

It concludes with an argument for objective evaluation to be a part of all CPR certification. TOP




09-02-04 SmartMan CPR Training for Grade 8-9 Students.pdf.

Grade 8 and 9 students receive their first lesson in CPR on SmartMan. Each student is taught the basics and gets a chance to practice on SmartMan. They see the colorful bar graph and are coached to try to get the bright green bars.

5 hours later, students were blind tested. The study shows that:

"after just a few minutes they learned CPR as well as studies have shown health care professional perform."  TOP




  Students learning on SmartMan
